command =============== Hello world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the command to write a hello world command using envbuilder:: from envbuilder.command import Command from import notify class hello(Command): """ Print hello world. """ name = 'hello' def run(self, args, config): notify('Hello, world!') This command is actually stored in the `envb-site-commands `_ package. To try it out, you simply need to use the following .env file: .. code-block:: ini [project] parcels = 'site-commands' [[site-commands]] checkout = 'git clone' To access non-builtin commands, envbuilder uses a dot notation. The hello command in site-commands is stored in If we wanted to use this in Python code, we would do something like the following:: import hello hello_cmd = hello.hello() The important part is the "hello.hello". This is the name that Python uses once a module has been imported. Envbuilder will allow the same syntax. Thus, to call the hello command, you would do the following: .. code-block:: bash envb hello.hello > Hello, world! You are even provided a basic help command (though it only shows the default arguments that envbuilder takes). Using a shell command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Envbuilder will allow you to run any arbitrary shell command easily. Let's modify the hello command to echo hello from the shell instead of using the notify function. This depends on the :func:`` function. .. code-block:: python from envbuilder.command import Command from import sh class hellosh(Command): """ Print hello world. """ name = 'hello' def run(self, args, config): sh("echo 'Hello, world!'") If we run this, we get the following output: .. code-block:: bash envb hello.hellosh > echo 'Hello, world!' -> (From: /home/jason/src/interface_dev) Hello, world! That was easy, wasn't it? Running a webserver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can even run a webserver under envbuilder:: class helloweb(Command): """ Run a webserver that prints hello world """ name='helloweb' def run(self, args, config): import cherrypy class HelloWorld(object): def index(self): return 'Hello, world!' cherrypy.quickstart(HelloWorld()) There's just one problem: .. code-block:: bash envb hello.helloweb Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jason/.virtualenvs/main/bin/envb", line 8, in load_entry_point('', 'console_scripts', 'envb')() File "/home/jason/src/envbuilder/envbuilder/", line 34, in main command.main(config.args, config) File "/home/jason/src/envbuilder/envbuilder/", line 130, in main, config) File "./envb-site-commands/", line 26, in run import cherrypy ImportError: No module named cherrypy We don't know if the user has cherrypy installed or not! Dependency management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Believe it or not, python dependencies aren't terribly difficult to deal with. In this case, we just need to change the above command to this:: class helloweb(Command): """ Run a webserver that prints hello world """ name='helloweb' py_dependencies=['cherrypy'] def run(self, args, config): import cherrypy class HelloWorld(object): def index(self): return 'Hello, world!' cherrypy.quickstart(HelloWorld()) The py_dependencies attribute is a list of dependencies that must be installed for a command to run. If you run the command again: .. code-block:: bash envb hello.helloweb You should get a cherrypy webserver running and serving on ``_. Command-line arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may also add command-line arguments to an envbuilder command by overriding :meth:`~envbuilder.command.Command.get_arg_parser`. This method must return a parser that can parse the command-line. Unless you really know what you're doing, you should get the parser from :meth:`~envbuilder.command.Command.get_base_arg_parser`. This will give you an instance of an `argparse.ArgumentParser `_ that you may add arguments to. For example, we can provide an argument for our hello command:: class named_hello(Command): """ Prints hello to a specified user. """ name = 'named_hello' def get_arg_parser(self): parser = self.get_base_arg_parser() parser.add_argument('--name', default='world', help='Specify who we are greeting') return parser def run(self, args, config): notify('Hello, %s!' % We can now customize who we are greeting: .. code-block:: bash envb hello.named_hello > Hello, world! envb hello.named_hello --name Jason > Hello, Jason! Adding help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adding help is so easy, it's done for you automatically! .. code-block:: bash envb help hello.named_hello Prints hello to a specified user. usage: envb named_hello [-h] [-p PARCELS] [-v VERBOSE] [--version] [-N] [-U] [--name NAME] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PARCELS, --parcels PARCELS Select parcels to run this command on. -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE Print verbose errors. --version -N, --no-deps Don't automatically install a command's dependencies -U, --upgrade Update dependencies --name NAME Specify who we are greeting As you can see, named_hello's docstring is printed out as the description of the command, and the help for the --name option is specified as well. Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: envbuilder.command :members: